Gaye Piper and Syngery I - please share when you visit my Home page
Isabella Plains 2905

Gaye Piper
Founder of
Synergy I and Gaye Piper
Shambala Spiritual Centre
Canberra Southside
0428 624 452
Join our Facebook Group page - Synergy I and Gaye Piper

Advanced Soul Meditation
In Isabella Plains, Canberra
2nd and 4th Monday night of the month meditation and discussion group in Canberra
at 7.30pm
Investment $20 (includes supper)
The guided meditations are channelled by Holistic Practitioner and Healing Medium Gaye Piper from Synergy I
To register, phone or text Gaye on 0428 624 452 as seating is limited
Check out Gaye's meditations that are available to you on iTunes, Amazon MP3, Google Play & Spotify
Meditation is a particular mood or state of consciousness that your body and mind enters into.
I feel meditation is fundamental to life. If you have tried to meditate before but found it difficult, you can be sure that it will be much easier with us because of the techniques and the manner in which it is taught.
All meditations are facilitated/channelled by Gaye Piper, who has an infinite connection to Divine Source and her mediations explore all aspects life.
Benefits of meditation
Health: rapid relaxation, better immune function, faster healing from
Mental: relaxation = less stress, clearer thought patterns etc
Sleep: less sleep actually required
Emotional: inner peace, self confidence, improved relationships
Point of focus
Encourages relaxation
Lowers heart rate
Lowers blood pressure
Teaches the mind stillness (starts to form the habit of stillness)
Why I should meditate?
to Relaxation
for my Wellbeing
for Stress Management
to improve my Health
to help me Focus
to create Inner Stillness – peace training
to Sleep better
Meditation Cycles:
Thought: Thoughts that come into your mind during meditation should be observed & allowed to float away.. “Ah! Interesting”.
Feeling: Often feelings that arise are those that are usually suppressed such as anger, irritation, sadness, grief, even joy. Don’t be embarrassed or “put off”, better out than in. There have been correlations made between emotional suppression & disease
Body: Sometimes your body feels wriggly. This is a form of resistance to relaxation, and to the inevitable life changes that becoming calm and centered brings to you. If this occurs, make sure you do some exercise before and after your meditation so that the body realizes that meditation comes with treats at both ends, and your body will also start to look forward to meditation.
Deep Peace: This sometimes takes time for you to achieve, but eventually does happen.
The Void: This can be experienced even by beginners. Like sleep, when you return you have no memory of where you’ve been - but there is a deep sense of relaxation & instant re-energising.
Experiences. Sometimes when we meditate we have some truly spectacular experiences. We may experience intense bliss, and this is really something to look forward to.
Gaye also offers one-on-one meditations for a particular aspect of your life, eg stressors or illness etc. Gaye can create your special meditation and you can have it on CD or USB.
I have my own range of very powerful and uniquely guided meditations and these are available now...
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